Sunday, June 24, 2012


Two Michigan patriots and super activists are working hard to promote their cause and are 100 percent FED up. They sacrifice family time and normal life. With this post I wish to help them grow their page and sell their t-shirts.  I bought one myself and love it.  Please join Leisa and Patty in their mission:

NOVEMBER IS COMING...As we work together to energize conservatives in every state. The grassroots and Tea Party movement acrossAmerica needs to get engaged NOW! It's time to take our countryback from the jaws of radical liberalism.We will not fall victim to the liberalmessage of the main stream media,Hollywood and its subversive messaging,divisive liberal activists and politicians.They have an agenda...and it doesn't includeLife, Liberty or the Pursuit of your Happiness!Inspired by Andrew Breitbart Feb. 1969 - March 2012

There is still time to order this great shirt for the 4th of July, if you hurry.  Other great shirts available. Lady Liberty shirt is has design by famous artist Steven Penley.

Follow Patty on twitter @pattim2 and Leisa @leisaaudette

Saturday, June 23, 2012


If anyone ever had any doubt that voter fraud does not exist, watch these videos.
Poll Workers on Primary Day in Washington, DC offer US Attorney General Eric H Holder's ballot to vote... to a complete Stranger. Other voting locations in Washington, DC offer to sign for ballots. Eric Holder has said multiple times there exists no evidence of Voter Fraud.

On Super Tuesday in Vermont, Poll workers caught on tape handing out Ballots in names of dead people and giving out ballots in living people's names to anyone who walked in. Bars, hotels and city clerk issuing civil union all required ID.

Since the release of our North Carolina Voter Fraud investigation on Tuesday the reaction has again been swift.

According to a report on the Daily Caller and ABC News, the administrators we interviewed at the University of North Carolina are being disciplined. 

Chancellor Holden Thorp stated to ABC News, "While the scenarios described in the video were false, some of our administrators responded inappropriately, and we are taking disciplinary action against those who used poor judgment in their approach to these student imposters." 

The investigation also sparked discussion of a consensus bill on Voter ID in the North Carolina legislature. Note that Governor Beverly Perdue vetoed legislation that previously passed.

Additionally, other organizations have reviewed our check of jury forms against the voter rolls and have found one individual, Mr. Romero, apparently became a naturalized citizen after refusing jury duty on the grounds of being a non-citizen.

Another individual appears to have perjured himself on the jury refusal form despite also being a naturalized citizen.

Project Veritas' journalists were offered ballots and encouraged to vote despite raising red flags with outlandish behavior -- such as speaking Spanish while asking to retrieve a foreign passport and wearing a ridiculous costume. However, while our facts were correct in the report, the perception presented in the investigation -- which highlighted the ease in which voter fraud can be committed -- deserves correction in regards to the citizenship status of Mr. Romero and Mr. Gorzkowski.