Thursday, April 28, 2011


While most of you or us now want to move on to the critical issues of the day, we should not lose sight of the fact the Obama once again lied to the people and produced a fake birth certificate.  If nothing else, we should keep this on the back burner until election time and bring it up again, then.  Here is what I received late last night and I wish to share it with the world.  If you are so inclined, please pass this on.

I do not understand that Fox News folks like Hannity, O'Reilly, etc are running from this. Who told them to shut up? Not even Beck wants to touch it, let alone the premise that Obama is not eligible because his daddy was Kenyan under British rule.  Most of us have studied and gone over this a million times.  Why do they think we are stupid and why can't we go after them?

Thanks for letting me rant.


  1. One would think that he could have jinted up a better forgery. I'm not saying that there aren't great forgers that work for the government but -- maybe Axelrod found somebody for him to slap something together.

    Irrespective, the Congress, MSM and everyone in power will accept it as real.

    Our goal is to elect somebody else to be president and send him out to build his library/monument, etc.

  2. I can accept that MSM and those in power to be will accept it as is, but I can't accept that the guys we voted in in 2010 do so. that is not their job. just saying.......

  3. It certainly is frustrating Rotti. Honestly, I thought the paper was real until I saw this video and a couple others before it explaining why his birth certificate is a fake. Why would he spend over $2 million to hide his birth certificate and then all of a sudden release it now? It just doesn't make sense.

  4. Teresa, it's all smoke and mirrors, or "just words" that don't mean a thing. Anything to distract us, divide us, and in the end conquer - meaning another 4 years. I think he very much deliberately released this fake certificate.

  5. Hi, Rotti - I've re-posted this excellent video over at my place with a hat tip and backlink to this site.


  6. @Spider. The more exposure, the better.

  7. Anonymous03 May, 2011

    I love following your site. It lets me know what ridiculous conspiracies I'm going to have to debunk. Even the National Review showed why this video is bull.

  8. Anonymous, please contact the creator of this video while debunking and then let us know here what you found out.
